The prices shown on the website come into effect from 1 April 2025 (subject to final approval by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk)

Facility Booking Enquiry form

Contact details

Note: We can provide a faster response if you include email or telephone details. If these fields are not completed, we will write to you at the address provided.
Are the details above the same for invoicing?

Application details

Which venue would you like to book?

Activity requirements

What equipment will be required at the event?
The Lynnsport coffee shop, licensed bar and Oasis coffee shop are open:
  • Monday to Friday - 10:00 to 21:45
  • Saturday and Sunday - 10:00 to 18:00
Is this availability adequate for your activity?
Are refreshments required?
When do you require refreshments?
Do you want a standard sandwich buffet?
Would you like to discuss the additional catering options available?


We aim to answer your enquiry within 14 working days. If your enquiry is particularly complicated or requires specialised knowledge then it may take longer to provide you with a full and accurate response (in these cases we will always acknowledge your enquiry and advise how long the response will take)
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© Copyright - Alive West Norfolk | Lynnsport, Greenpark Avenue, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 2NB | Telephone: 01553 818001