The prices shown on the website come into effect from 1 April 2025 (subject to final approval by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk)
At Alive West Norfolk your opinion counts and we appreciate your feedback.
We love hearing about what we have done well, but we also need to hear from you when you think things need improving or you have a complaint. We appreciate that due to the scale of our operations there may be times when standards fall below those we aspire to achieve and we welcome constructive feedback to help us improve our service.
If you have something you want to let us know about (good or bad), in the first instance please contact the relevant centre and speak to a member of staff or ask to speak to the manager who will be able to assist you. If you require a response, we will take your details but do suggest that you also make a note of the name of the person you speak to (if a solution is offered at this point it’s worth making a note of this as well).
If you don’t feel you are able to speak to centre staff, or are unhappy with the response received, you can start a formal complaint by completing our electronic feedback form.
Complaint Process
When dealing with complaints we aim to:
- Deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively
- Ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner throughout
- Use complaints constructively in the planning and improvement of all services
- Respond to any complaint, if required, within 10 working days (this may be extended if further investigation is required).
We also understand that it might be difficult for you to complain because you are worried that your complaint could result in a poorer service to you. Please be assured that we treat all complaints in the strictest of confidence and that it is your right to complain. If you do not provide us with a contact name or address, it will not be possible for us to get back to you with the outcome of the investigation.
What happens when you make a complaint?
- All complaints will be given full and fair consideration
- You may be contacted to make sure that we have understood your complaint properly
- You may be interviewed by the person investigating the complaint (you can have someone with when your complaint is being discussed)
- If a criminal offence is alleged then the police will be informed
- If as a result of your complaint disciplinary proceedings are taken against a member of staff, an internal procedure will apply. You will be informed that disciplinary proceedings have taken place, but as these proceedings are confidential you will only be informed of the details or outcome of matters outside of this procedure.
- If your complaint is not upheld, you will receive a communication of explanation from the appropriate person or his / her representative setting out our reasons for rejecting your complaint.
If you haven’t had a response from us within ten working days, please call 01553 818007 and we will look into this for you.
Appeal to the Managing Director
We do our best to resolve complaints but occasionally this is not possible. Should you consider that material aspects of your complaint have not been fully considered and or addressed, you can appeal against the decision to the Managing Director of Alive West Norfolk at the below address, who will then undertake a review of the investigation of your complaint:
Managing Director
Alive West Norfolk
Alive Lynnsport
Greenpark Avenue
King’s Lynn
PE30 2NB
Tel: 01553 818007