The prices shown on the website come into effect from 1 April 2025 (subject to final approval by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk)

  • Accessibility

We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience

Regardless of ability or browsing technology and including those who have visual, hearing, motor and cognitive impairments. The site aims to achieve overall compliance with the Web Accessibility Initiative’s (WAI) guidelines.

Our aim has been to design a simple and clearly laid out site which is easy to use for all visitors to the site. However if you are having problems using or finding your way around the site, the following areas may help.


The vertical navigation bar at the top of the page contains the main site links and the sub menu below, links to different sub sections within these areas.

Changing Text Size

The text size for Alive can be changed using features within your web browser:

Internet Explorer: Select the “View” menu, then “Text size”
FireFox: Select the “View” menu, then “Zoom” or “Zoom text only”
Safari: Select the “View” menu, then “Make text bigger” or “Make text smaller”
Opera: Select the “View” menu, then “Zoom”

Adobe Acrobat and Accessibility:

Alive uses Adobe Reader to display PDF documents. If you have trouble using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe also provides advice on how to configure your Reader, and a free download of the Accessible Adobe Reader.

For more information visit the Adobe website Acrobat accessibility section:-

If you use a screen reading program which synthesizes text as audible speech you may experience difficulty reading PDF files. The Access Adobe web site provides online tools to convert PDF documents into standard HTML or ASCII text.

© Copyright - Alive West Norfolk | Lynnsport, Greenpark Avenue, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 2NB | Telephone: 01553 818001